Note: All documentation is available on the web site in PDF format complete with pretty pictures for better clarification.
[Basic Instructions]
Starting A 1 Player Game
Choose one player from the buttons on the splash screen, or from the File menu. On the Game Set Up board enter a name for Player 1 and choose a character. Set the computer player's skill level which appears under the name field for Player 2. You will not be able to set the computer's name and character. The computer picks one at random. Click OK to begin the game.
Starting A 2 Player Game
Choose two players from the buttons on the splash screen, or from the File menu. On the Game Set Up board enter a name for Player 1 and choose a character. Do the same for Player 2. Click OK to begin the game.
Playing The Game
Player 1 (on the left) is playing with white chromosomes, player 2 with black. The board starts with 2 of each pieces in the center of it. Player 1 goes first, as indicated by the turn marker next to Player 1's name. The game play itself is similar to that of Othello. That is, a player puts down a piece next to his opponent's pieces. All of the opponent's pieces will change to the player's color as long as a straight line can be drawn from the original piece to another one of the player's pieces. Players are awarded 10 points for every one of their opponent's pieces they convert.
When a player converts pieces in such a way that six of them line up in a rectangle either vertically (3 rows of 2 pices), or horizontally (2 rows of 3 pieces) the players is awarded with a chromosome, and those pieces turn red. Red pieces can be converted by either player in the same manner that the opponent's pieces are.
The first player to reach 23 chromosomes wins the game. If the winner's score is in the top 10 high scores that score will be saved in the high score list. If neither player reaches 23 chromosomes by the time the game board fills up then the player with the most chromosomes wins.
[More Instructions]
Starting A 2 Player Network Game
Make sure you are connected to an AppleTalk network and that the other computer has a copy of Chromosomethingorother installed on it. Choose network game from the buttons on the splash screen, or from the File menu. In the window that appears set your name and character. Choose your opponent from the list at the right. Note that your opponent must have launched the application in order to be registered on the network.
On the other computer the player will get an invitation. That player should click "Bring It On", then enter the player's name and choose a character. Once that is done both computers will begin the game. The person who initated the game will go first, and will play with white chromosomes. Play resumes normally at that point.
Game Options
Sound- Toggles the sound effects on or off.
Messages- When a player is awarded a chromosome the characters comment on their situation. This option allows you to turn this feature off, and set for how long the messages are displayed.
Network Warning- When opening a saved game as a network game there must be a copy of the saved game on both computers. This warning reminds you of this fact when you try to open a game over the network. See below for details.
Player 1- Allows you change Player 1's name and character during the game.
Player 2- Allows you change Player 2's name and character during a 2 player game.
Opening A Saved Game
Select Open from the File menu and locate the game. The game will resume from where it was saved. If you see the dialog box to the right select Local and the game will open normally.
Opening A Saved Game As A Network Game
Select Open from the File menu and locate the game. If the game was a 2 player game you will be asked whether you want to open the game locally or over an AppleTalk network. Select AppleTalk. Then select your opponet from the list that appears. Note that your opponent must have a copy of the saved game on his or her computer Your opponent will then be prompted to open the saved game. At that point the game will resume from where you saved it.